>Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 15:31:03 -0700 (PDT) >To: HFCC@lists.sanmateo.org >From: ensopro@asis.com >Subject: Garamendi Scandal >Reply-To: "Headwaters Forest Coordinating Committee" > <HFCC@lists.sanmateo.org> >Sender: <HFCC@lists.sanmateo.org> >List-Software: LetterRip Pro 3.0.2b1 by Fog City Software, Inc. >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:HFCC-off@lists.sanmateo.org> > >So while everyone is wondering whether we can ever get a fair shake from >the feds, here's the latest on our former Insurance Commissioner. Also, >the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition with the >Justice Deparment to indict Garamendi for violations of federal law. >Apparantly, John was flagrantly disregarding and re-arranging Fish and >Wildlife regulations to assist his cronies. Folks, we've got a crook here, >and Headwaters is about to get the shaft. Yeah, I know, there are all >crooks, but some are more crooked than others. > >Darryl > >[The San Jose Mercury News] >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- > >GARAMENDI CAMPAIGN LOAN PROBED > >Published: Saturday, April 25, 1998 >Section: Front >Page: 14A > >Associated Press > >Federal investigators are trying to determine whether former Interior >Department official John Garamendi and his wife, Patti, improperly tapped a >family trust fund to finance their political activities, according to a >published report. > >The Copley News Service reported that the U.S. attorney in Sacramento is >investigating whether the couple used money from the fund -- created to care >for Patti Garamendi's 79-year-old mother -- after the fund acquired a bank >loan not intended for political purposes. > >A U.S. Justice Department source confirmed that the office has been looking >into the matter for ''a few months,'' the news service said. > >Patty Pontello, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney in Sacramento, declined >to discuss the case. ''We cannot comment one way or the other on whether >there is an investigation,'' she said. > >Federal prosecutors in Sacramento declined to discuss the case Friday with >an Associated Press reporter who called seeking comment. > >John Garamendi said no improprieties had occurred. He also told Copley that >he has borrowed money from his mother-in-law, not the trust, to finance his >campaigns during his lengthy political career. He said he owes her about >$7,000. > >Garamendi, a two-time candidate for California governor, is a former state >assemblyman and senator. He served as state insurance commissioner from 1990 >to 1994, then joined the Clinton administration as a deputy Interior >secretary. > >He recently left that $136,700-a-year post to work as an investment banker. > >Patti Garamendi, an associate director of the Peace Corps, ran unsuccessful >campaigns for the state Legislature and Congress. > >Copyright 1998, The San Jose Mercury News. Unauthorized reproduction >prohibited. > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >The San Jose Mercury News archives are stored on a SAVE (tm) newspaper >library system from MediaStream, Inc., a Knight-Ridder Inc. company. > >Darryl Cherney >Environmentally Sound Promotions >PO Box 2254, >Redway, CA 95560 > >ensopro@asis.com > > > > > David M. Walsh P.O. Box 903 Redway, CA 95560 Office and Fax(707) 923-3015 Home (707) 986-1644
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