Making the Connection Between Pacific Lumber and Kaiser Aluminum
United Steelworkers of America Send Representatives to Humboldt County

* Press Conference Tues., Dec. 1 at 1 pm, Eureka
* Rally and Informational Picket, Thurs., Dec. 3, 11 am, Scotia
* Open Forum for PL Workers and Neighbors, Thurs., Dec. 3,      6-  9:00 pm

A press conference will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at 1 pm at the Operating Engineers Hall, 2806 Broadway (at Henderson) to announce events the United Steelworker of America have planned for their visit to Humboldt County. The press conference will feature currently visiting members of the USWA
Local 338 in Spokane, Washington who along with four other locals, are on strike against the MAXXAM-owned Kaiser Aluminum.

The steelworkers will speak on the subjects of building bridges with Pacific Lumber workers and Humboldt County residents, staving off the flow of replacement workers from Humboldt to Washington State, and finding common ground to assist each other in the different battles surrounding the

Steelworkers will be engaging in an informational rally and picket at the Pacific Lumber Headquarters in Scotia on Thursday, December 3 from 11am - 1 pm and will be visiting other Pacific Lumber sites as well. MAXXAM/Kaiser workers are striking for a variety of demands. They are being threatened with massive layoffs, fighting MAXXAM's attempt to increase medical costs to pensioners, and facing unfair labor practices committed by MAXXAM.

A Steelworkers Open Forum will take place the evening of Thursday, December 3rd from 6 til 9:30 pm at the Riverwalk Inn Convention Center in Fortuna.
An 1800-piece mailer went out to the Scotia/Carlotta-area inviting local residents to meet the Steelworkers, learn about their strike, and see if the two groups would be willing to assist each other in the battles to keep their jobs.   Refreshments will be served.

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Jail Hurwitz